(NPO)21世紀協会 理事長

Abstract of the lecture at UNU
Peacebuilding: Social integration and development

Social development of ethinic minorities and socio-diversity (to English)

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Social development of ethinic minorities and socio-diversity

In a forgotten corner of the Philippine society, lives an ethnic minority, the Mangyans. They are seminomad people of almost-zero literacy. They know very little agriculture, but have somehow managed to survive for over 1000 years without interference of, or dealings with, the outer world. However, recent years have seen more and more interaction of the minorities with the lowlanders. The "interaction" however, turned out to be exploitation by outsiders with overwhelming power and vantage. Forests were cut down and denuded, driving people who depend on the trees and their by-products deeper into the mountains. Their resources became scarce and many found themselves on the verge of extinction. The only way for them to survive, they reasoned, was to settle down and start agriculture, while empowering themselves so that they would not be raped by outsiders.

The 21st Century Association started intervention in 1990, aiming on social development of the minorities to allow them to make their living in the contemporary world, interacting with the outer world while maintaining their unique culture and language. Since then, we have struggled with our social development effort centering education and agriculture, realizing each day, how difficult development is when facing people without minimum education. The social development experience in this small corner of the world gave me insight to a variety of problems in the contemporary society while torturing me with questions such as "what is the significance of culture?" "Can different values coexist?" and providing me glimpses of the very root of conflict.

The age of states seem to have come to an end. As people, money, goods freely cross the borders of states, transactions were expected to result in friendship and understanding between different cultures. State borders have become lower and lower, and humanity is experiencing an unprecedented world with diverse societies, cultures, languages, or values. Collision of different societies has been and still is a cause of conflict througout our history. Societies have insisted on their superiority, trying to extend their reach even if it meant they have to resort to force. This is sometimes even done with good intention; people of superior culture and society forcing people of "inferior society" to adapt a better way "for their own sake." Though with varying degrees, this is not much different from the fact that I have observed myself; the lowlanders attempting to assimilate the minorities. People with power have and still do press their values to others to dominate over others and benefit from the advantage.

Now, the global environment is seriously endangerd. Biodiversity is shrinking by various causes, and speicies that depended on the lost species are again being endangered. Extinction of species that seem to be of no value can cause the food chain to break, thus endagering many other species that are down the chain.

Likewise, many languages and many cultures are endangered. Trifle as they may seem, extinction of one culture, one language, one value system, or one religion are all one lost unique interpretation of the world. A culture can be seen as a lifestyle best fit for the living of people in a specific environment, and is subject to change as the surrounding social and natural environment change.

My want to construct a world where diverse values and cultures can coexist is not based on plain humanism that we are all brothers and sisters. Neither is it an anachronistic desiderium for cultures that are on verge of extinct. Inclusion of diversity is, in fact, a serious issue that can determine the survival of the human species in the 21st century. Extinction of a trifle culture can even turn out to be fatal to the surrounding environment or people who have interacted with it.

Then how would conserving diverse languages and cultures benefit human society? Or, what can be avoided by saving those cultures from extinction? Ultimately, what meaning would tolerating co-existence of various cultures have to our prosperity or simple survival?

One is for database. The enormous amount of information accumulated as culture of a people or interpretation of the world can be considred as vast information regarding measurements against changes in the environement. Knowledge of experience in a past society can help us at a crucial turning point that may yet come. There have been numerous examples in which past wisdom of other peoples have helped people survive in times of crisis. For example, I am now trying to apply a lost Japanese forest stewardship system to manage the endangered forests of East Timor.
Another is as energy. If a culture is a unique interpretation of the world in a unique environment, it is subject to continuous change. Culture shall continue to change but it shall also remain solid and established serving as the identity of a people. Culture is the energy of the people themselves. When people interact, they exchange energies, and that is how the world is made; the world is in fact a rich labyrinth of countless kinds of energy (=culture).
It is not difficult to image what can happen if 6.6 billion people of the world had but a single value and desired the same lifestyle, as appears to be happening today. Imposing a single value upon the world's culture and economy to promote the interest of a single nation, even appealing to forces will not even benefit that country. It will only deprive that country of its own hidden potentials, tapering down global resources, only to create a petrified world that can hardly respond to changes of environment. It may bring short-term profits, but will only result in long-term crisis.

Rapid development of communication and transportation technology has brought an unprecedented togetherness to the world. There is no gain from hostile competition of different values and cultures. Is it not about time we understood that no culture is superior over or inferior from others? A world embracing various cultures allowing them to interact with each other, I believe, is the only, if any, path for a prosperous world free of conflict.
